


当你在寻找适合你的技术学校时, 你的清单上可能有一些“必须拥有”的东西. 你可能想要一所经过认证的技术学校, conveniently located 和 with strong programs in your area of interest.

但有一个理想的品质可能不在你的清单上? 对社会的奉献.

Remington College is a nonprofit, 和 giving back is at the core of our mission. We not only want to support our students in reaching their goals through job training programs, we want to improve the communities our 14 nationwide campuses are located in.

为什么? 因为像PG电子游戏这样的职业学校为社会服务, PG电子游戏加强了PG电子游戏的学生, 教职员工生活和工作,皆大欢喜.


  1. 国家多发性硬化症协会

去年,PG电子平台与 美国多发性硬化症协会 在所有的校园. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease in which the body's immune system is directed against the central nervous system, 破坏神经纤维周围的髓鞘. 学院正在帮助 提高对这种使人衰弱的疾病的认识 through fundraising events 和 volunteering opportunities for staff, 教师和学生, 比如在bikms和 女士走. 截至2019年2月,PG电子平台 提高了 近6000美元.

  1. 献血活动

Many of Remington College's campuses support local patients with blood disorders through 3生命献血活动. 尽管所有人都被邀请捐款, many of these drives specifically call minority donors to give blood 和 raise awareness of blood disorders, 比如镰状细胞.' As of January 2019, Remington College has collected more than 13,900 pints of blood. Since one pint of blood can save three lives, that's enough blood to save more than 41,000 lives.

  1. 为孩子们削减开支

返校季对任何家长来说都是一段艰难的时光. 买学习用品和新衣服, making room in the budget for a haircut sometimes isn't possible. To help alleviate stress 和 to give students valuable practice, Remington College campuses offering a cosmetology program provide free haircuts for children each year during 为孩子们削减开支. This program 已经提供了 more than 17,000 free back-to-school haircuts over the past 10 years.

  1. 舞会之夜化妆

Prom is a night most high schoolers look forward to all year long, 但是,为这个重要的日子做准备往往需要付出巨大的代价. To help out the families of high schoolers 和 create practice opportunities for its students, PG电子平台的美容课程是免费的 舞会之夜化妆. 学生可以免费理发, 发髻, 修指甲, pedicures 和 makeup services to make their dance special 和 more affordable.

  1. 免费或折扣牙科服务

Since it opened in 2010, the PG电子平台口腔卫生项目 已经提供了 more than 37,000 low or no cost dental services to Nashville area residents. This has given the community access to affordable dental care 和 h和s-on experience to students enrolled in the dental hygiene program.

如果你正在考虑参加职业培训项目, consider a school that will connect you to your community 和 provide excellent h和s-on practice. To learn more about Remington College 和 trade school careers, visit http://m3u.pxamerica.com/ 或拨打1-800-208-1950.
